& the Reflection

This magazine was a huge process to go through.  My article alone went through 4 drafts, which aren't really that many, but it could be counted as 5 if you include the original blog entry.  The drafts helped a lot, and through it I helped a lot of other people improve their drafts.  After that was all over, I, being an editor for the magazine, formatted various articles into their pages for the magazine.  This came along with a lot of work on Photoshop and InDesign.  The articles ended up turning out great after a few good ideas by other teachers and peers, and numerous revisions.  After all of the formats where finished, they were compiled and sent off to the printer.  The next day, we got proofs back and had to work on tons of revisions.  I went through a large section of the magazine with a partner and fixed various pictures contrast in order to bring out both the whites and the blacks.

This whole process went well and was very fun to take part in.  I do feel as though my InDesign skills have gotten much better, because now I can fly through creating layouts and the likes with little effort, whereas with the last project we used InDesign I was sort of flopping around on whatever I would get a grip on.
All in all I think that the whole team did a great job with the magazine.  All of it has a distinct look, yet is personalized to each person based on the formatting.  I think that the whole magazine in itself is a perferct model of a perfect project, because everyone who worked on it worked to their fullest, and it shows.