Honors Character Sketch

The book that I read for honors this month was the Grapes of Wrath, a book about one families struggles through the Great Depression. Since this book was written by Steinbeck, there have got to be interesting characters and a great story, and there are.

The first character I will be discussing is this guy...

Jim Casy.

He is a very interesting character. A very stretched guy, about 6'2", he has a long muscular neck, very tight hairless cheeks, large eyeballs to the point which the eyelids have trouble covering them, a very pointy nose, , and gray hair that "was mussed back from his brow as though he had combed it back with his fingers." He wore overalls, a blue shirt, a denim coat, canvas sneakers, and a spotted brown hat. He rarely sweats, even under the greatest heat, and doesn't really have any scars or markings on his body to speak of.
He used to be a Christian preacher, and holds that reputation throughout the book. He quit because he slept with young women in the fields and started to not see the "sperit" anymore, but throughout the book he keeps being told that he is a preacher and always will be. He is asked a number of times to pray for the main family the story follows, the Joads, who keep him with them because they are certain that he will be a blessing to them in the future. This causes him to struggle with the fact that he can't run away from his former life.
He starts out a really untrusting person, who is constantly looking for who he is, but can't accept the fact that he is a preacher. But, as the book progresses, he is reminded of who he really is and always is. Over time, he slowly deals with the fact that he is what he always was; he only stumbled in his life a little.
According to the prompt I am supposed to be writing to, I have to devuldge the meaning of his name. I don't really see much of anything in his name. The name Jim, is derived from the name James. The only thing I found on that name is that it comes up 3 times in the New Testament. The two that I see as most relevant, is that the first one is the brother of John the Apostle, and the second is where it is mentioned that Jesus' brother's name is James the Just.

This was the honors blog.