Literary Devices in the Last of the Mohicans

This book was an interesting one. The book’s theme was one of racial divides, and how the Native Americans dealt with, and were dealt with the struggles during the third year of the French American war. The theme was brought about by various literary devices, and especially ones that are often forgotten. Some literary devices used to bring about the theme in this book were imagery, dialogue, and tone.

The first literary device this book offers up is imagery. Imagery can be shown in many ways. The book starts describing the setting, “The alarmed colonists believed that the yells of the savages mingled with every fitful gust of wind that issued from the interminable forests of the west.” The imagery within this sentence really sets up the setting as a place you would not want to be in. An unending forest filled with savage natives that would kill you on sight, showing the theme of the story right there in the beginning pages of the book. Another time this was used was further in the book, where it says “They complied without hesitation, though many a fearful and anxious glance was thrown behind them toward the thickening gloom which now lay like a dark barrier along the margin of the stream.” This bit of imagery is really good because it makes you see a void of darkness, instilling fear into your very heart and soul, and all because of the ever looming presence of the various native tribes. A Third example of this would be when it described “… around him, there was a sullen fierceness mingled with the quiet of the savage that was likely to arrest the attention of much more experienced eyes than those which now scanned him in unconcealed amazement.” This is describing how the English saw the Mohican Indian Runner as, as person with a sullen fierceness, and the quiet of the savage. It shows you how the natives were seen through the eyes of the white folk, which in turn draws out the theme.

The second literary device that I will be showing is dialogue. It is an often overlooked device that is sometimes even overused to nowhere near its full potential. One example of dialogue in this book is “even their own kind seem no more than the beasts of the wood.” This is a genuine quote showing the true nature of the divide between the natives and the settlers. “Beasts of the wood” is simply put a huge insult, further developing the theme. Another good use of description is “Let us remember we are men without a cross, and let us teach these natives of the forest that white blood can run as freely as red…” This quote here is of a white man talking about the natives, and how they can so easily slip in an out of the woods, and be stealthy and quick. But this also shows the white man being more aggressive. The man is explaining how his group can possibly outrun the natives, showing a competition between the two groups of people. “Well may you laugh, ye children of the devil.” Is a very simple quote, which pushes the theme of the story almost down the reader’s throat. It is so strong, that it is hard to not see the theme projected in it.

Tone is a very important literary device in any novel. It sets the mood at which you tell the story. It can be expressed through other literary devices as well. This quote, “The alarmed colonists believed that the yells of the savages mingled with every fitful gust of wind that issued from the interminable forests of the west,” mentioned earlier in the imagery section, is a perfect way to show two literary devices in one. The imagery sets the tone of darkness and fear, which is what the colonists held against the natives at that time. Another way tone can be set is through dialogue. This already stated quote, “even their own kind seem no more than the beasts of the wood,” is a good way to show this because it sets a mood of anger and distaste, hinting at the whole message of the racial divide between the French and the natives. One last quote from the book shows how a description can set the tone of the book, which was “The colors of the war paint had blended in dark confusion about his fierce countenance, and rendered his swarthy lineaments still more savage and repulsive than if art had attempted an effect.” This quote is showing how just by the war paint, it sets a tone of repulsiveness toward the native, making him ever more uncivilized than the common white colonist of the era.

In conclusion, imagery, dialogue, and tone are common, yet overlooked literary devices that can easily set the theme of a story alone. It was done very well within the Last of the Mohicans, as well as a string of other literary devices, creating the great classic that the story now stands as.

More Stuff on the H2O Project

This H2O project has not surprised me with some of the information that I have come across, but one of the biggest things that surprised me was about plastics. The website San Diego Coastkeeper has really opened my eyes on the hideous truth of littered plastic.
To start out, plastic does not biodegrade, it only breaks into smaller pieces of plastic. There is a place in the pacific ocean called the "Eastern Garbage Patch" that is full up of plastics, and it is roughly the size of Texas. These plastics are causing our world to ruin, along with many other littered items.
Things that I need to do in order to carry on my project are to keep working on my script, finalize interview questions, and get all of my filming done and ready to edit.

Thanksgiving Break

Thankfulness is not part of my personality. But if I had to be thankful for something, it would probably be for those people down in the south with the funny accents that made our country free from British rule, so we can all stuff our faces one day of the year.

The things that I will be doing over thanksgiving break would be:

  1. Interview Surfrider
  2. Film Dog Beach
  3. Film SD Bay in the evening
Happy thanksgiving!

The Youth Vote

          After reading the article that we were assigned to read for this blog, An Eternal Revolution, it really got me thinking about the youth of our nation.  I recently have read an article on this called Waiting in Line, The Youth Vote Could Change History.  It talks about how the youth impacts the vote today, and how a huge change was brought about with the youth vote back in 1972.  This huge change was when they made the legal voting age 18, whereas the previous legal voting age was 21.  This change brought about a huge uprising in votes, much like the choice between a black and white president has within our society today. One of the biggest reasons also given for the big uprising in votes back in 1972 was the war that was being fought, and the amount of anti-war youth in our nation.

          This relates to our election because even with this election, there were very many controversial topics that were brought up during the election, much like the war in 1972, that our youth had a very strong opinion on.  There was also a large change in the way that our political system works, which was the choice of two different races running for president, much like the change in voting age from 21 to 18.

Examples For Water project

UFO Sightings in Utah Interview

          Now, both of these videos are quite similar, and they are both almost exactly what I want to make my product into.  These video's qualities are made up of an interview, with pictures being displayed.  The specific question that I have to answer for this blog includes saying 3 things that I like and would use from each of these videos, so my answer to that is, 
  1. Good clean interview, answering big questions (to those that care of course)
  2. Pictures/visuals being displayed about the topic with interview playing as background audio
  3. The combination of both keeping the viewer focused on watching the two videos
          I feel as if these things really help to make videos like this, because you are being fed information, while being entertained by pretty visuals, helping you comprehend what the information is.  
          Now, what I plan on doing, is making a video similar to these two, but in place of pictures, I would have steady camera shots of littered shoreline and clean shoreline.  I would also write a nice description of the results of my studies and have it in the video description.

(Sadly Polished) Super Secret Plans!

          The Water Project that we have been involved in for the past week or two is a really open ended project.  With the various water testing outings that we must embark on, we are left to devise an article, movie, art, writing piece of our own relating to something having to do with San Diego's beaches and at least one social issue.

          My project is going to be on pollution (trash) rates, and if they have been going up or down in major tourist beaches like Coronado compared to more filthily known beaches such as Dog Beach in Ocean Beach.
          The resources that I will need for this project will be a camera, to record interviews with people that will be mentioned later, a computer with ample video editing software, and a picture camera, in case the need arises for still frames in the video.  The people that I would like to interview would be some people from Surfrider, and people that commonly pick up trash with them.  I would also like to ask anyone else who are common beach goers.  I am not sure who these people would be, but I just need people who would know about the rates of trash, and whether there used to be more out over the beach or if there is more currently being put out.
          Now, I am supposed to create a specific as possible scheduel for the next two weeks, labeling each thing that I am going to do each day.  This is troubling to me.  The only thing that I know for sure would be that I am going to dog beach the 22nd, in order to talk to some of the Surfrider people, and to get good footage of trash pickup, and possibly pictures.  Some other things that I need to do would be to organize some trips to Coronado for water sampling there, because me, and another classmate, are working on something relating to those beaches, and there are no yet planned trips to get water tested there.  I would probably do that next week, and over the weekend.  Now that I think of it, (starting to ramble to myself) I am going to ask my biology teacher tomorrow about taking trips to Coronado for water testing, and find the chemical composition of that water, to compare it with Dog Beach, which is already being tested.  Then, sometime this weekend, ask my father, who is one of the parent drivers, if he is available to drive us up sometime next week to Coronado, for said testing.  While there I could maybe get some video or pictures.  So far that is the scheduel that I have, and plan on hopefully making it more specific later, or improvising a whole lot within the coming weeks.

The Presidential Results

Part One
          This presidential election wasn't very surprising to me, and neither was it very important.  To me, each presidential nominee had good and bad views, and whichever view of theirs was bad, the other had a good one on the same topic.  This whole presidential election leaves me indifferent to who won, awkwardly.  I do hope that Barack Obama can break us out of this economic crisis that we are in, and take us out of the Middle East without making everyone more angry at us than they really are.  My concerns are that somethings gonna go wrong (again) and this country will start going downhill even more, such as some other Middle Eastern country, or any other country for that matter, joining our conflict, or the stock market crashing even further (which will be terribly unlikely), or even having our oil sources cut off, leaving us to struggle for a new energy source for the entire country.

Part Two
          I feel as if I have a high level of civil knowlege.  Almost all I watch on television is the news, leaving me with quite a nice repository of recent events in my mind.  One of the things that I feel my Humanities class has done to help with the class as a whole with their civil knowlege, is this here blog.  The entire blogging project is civil knowlege based.  It is almost all about current events.  I feel as if it was a great idea to aid us as students with ways to learn about current events.  A way I feel like we could be better with the understanding with current events would be to nto have a journal every morning, and instead, have a discussion on the blog we did the night before, or discuss a specific current event that happened the day before.  Because of my great repository of current events mentioned earlier, I have felt very confident in my conversations with others on topics relating to current events.  I also have been a little frustrated with some peoples ignorance of current events, and others inability to understand anything but their opinion, but I also feel as if I can also be quite stubborn with learning others opinions over mine, and it seems like it is just human nature to be a little unwilling to accept others opinions.

Article Ideas

One of the two ideas that I have for the article that I have to do, is to discuss the topic of whether we are doing more work to clean up the beaches than to put out trash, thus resulting in a steady trend of cleaner beaches in San Diego.  This article idea seems a lot easier to research, and I am almost thinking of making a movie out of it, which would include me going out to one of the surfrider beach cleanups and interview people about the beaches and the rates of the trash.

Some Websites that I have found on beach pollution are,
San Diego Coast Keeper

The second Idea that I have seems a little more unrealistic to me.  It seems unrealistic because of the research that would have to be done, and the factual inaccuracy that it would incur.  The idea would be how the beaches would be in 1000 years, then 10,000 years, and so on.  There will alwas be odd statistics saying that it is rising 2 cm a year or 4 inches every year, interfering statistics like this is what throws off research for a project such as this, which is why I am a little skeptical about the possibilities of this project.

Some websites I have found on Global warming and the Seas rising are,
New York Times